Season 2, episode 123


Guest Expert Wanda Deschamps

Me Time Midlife Podcast

Now in Waterloo, ON Wanda Deschamps is founder and principal of Liberty Co – a consultancy for non-profits with charitable status. When not spending time with friends, following the Pittsburg Penguins, exercising or reading about history, biographies or current affairs, she is a champion for inclusivity, with special focus on neuro-diversity and gender equity issues.

Wanda is a skilled advocate for advancing and achieving gender balance in non-profit leadership and in elected representation. She is always open for a friendly debate about a variety of issues, preferably over a strong cup of coffee, and accompanied with a homemade fruit dessert.

Connect with Wanda at the links below:

To book at time to talk with Kim during her Office Hours, go here

Episode 123

by Kim Acedo | Season 2

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